Watch Trends: What’s Hot in 2024

Watches are making a comeback. Both wristwatches and pocket watches have become hot trends in recent years. But what are the watch trends that are most popular today? Here is what’s hot in 2024 in terms of watches.

Shaped Watches

The standard circular watch face has been and will be the classic look. But one of the new trends for 2024 is watches that break that mold. Oval and elongated shapes are becoming quite hot in terms of their popularity. Which has given rise to the new trend of watches that work well for both men and women.

Unique Gold

Standard yellow gold watches are seemingly commonplace as the watches themselves. But one interesting trend has been the rise of non-traditional coloring in gold. This includes rose gold watches that features a reddish hue and sand gold, which is somewhere in-between rose and standard yellow gold. What is true is that more unique color combinations for gold will continue to appear.

Unisex Watches

Another rising trend for 2024 is the unisex watch, which works perfectly for men and women. A reflection of the times, the growing trend in unisex watches means a combination of traditional masculine and feminine factors are seen in new watch brands. Plus, there are other watches that remove such factors which create a true unisex watch.

Full Loom Dials and Cases

A relatively new trend, the driving force behind it is the practicality and functionality of dials and cases themselves. This enables the dials to be seen in low light conditions. By applying the full loom to the case as well, it makes both the dials and cases stand out.

Reduced Case Sizes

One recent trend is that the overall size of watch cases has been reduced. Not long ago, 40mm sizes for dress watches was the norm. That has shifted downward to 36mm or 37mm. The reduced size also means that fewer watches carry the day and date and opting for a simpler approach. But that is the price which is paid for smaller watch sizes.

Demise of Steel Sports Watches

For years, steel sports watches were among the hottest trends in watches. Today, that trend is fading, most likely because as with all hot trends people grow tired of the same popular model. Steel sports watches are still quite wearable, functional, and stylish, but they are on the downslide in terms of popularity.

Rise of Collectors

The overall trends in watches are being shaped to a greater degree by collectors. For many years, it was the customer who purchased one watch every so often that decided the new trends. Now with more people collecting watches, new trends are popping up faster. The result is that the changes you see in watches are due to an ever-growing degree to those who collect them.

The hot watch trends will continue to evolve and change even over the course of this year. What’s new in 2024 may be old news by 2025. But what is true is that casual watchs trends will continue to grow and fluctuate over the foreseeable future.